Thursday, June 11, 2009

Twitter-pated etc.

I'm writing in blue today cause it's rained most of the day. Again. Also, we had lightening this morning, which I would very much prefer not to have again.
So here I am, writing my little blog that no one will ever read. Except for me, of course. I have to say: I am totally in love with Twitter. Can't help myself, it's just so much fun. I only read the tweats of the folks that I follow and sometimes the ones of people they follow. I've tried doing the Everyone thing, but good night, there are some boring and confusing people on Twitter, I must say. I know their little slogan is "What are you doing?" but the most fun, informative, entertaining tweaters are the ones who don't necessarily prescribe to that credo. I adore following the people I'm following. They are all so smart, funny and entertaining. Let me just say this, though: with a few exceptions, and you know who you are, the people who've chosen to follow my tweats? I'm very confused. Some woman in Colorado who's a grandmother for crying out loud is following me. She also happens to be, hem hem, a freaking conservative Republican. Hello??? Why in the world would this woman chooses to follow me? Or, for example, the guy who's basically a fisherman?? Must be something they have key words targeting. Also, today, someone started following me who has a company that makes and sells fake vampire teeth. Again, key words. I know I mentioned something about vampires in one of my tweats. Although, I guess I should look at that one as a resource in case I ever decide to get fake vampire teeth. Theirs are supposed to be pretty good. You're supposed to be able to talk, eat, etc. with them in. Let me just tell you: that should be a neat trick. Even the vampires on Buffy and Angel had trouble talking around theirs sometimes.
My best friend and I emailed about Twitter. He doesn't get it. He was like, "why would anyone be interested in whether I'm at Lowe's or Costco?" hahahahaha Now, no one I follow, nor do I, ever tweat anything that mundane. I tried to explain it to him. I hope he got it.
I am still on the sleep-deprived side so I'm thinking this is going to be an early night for me again. Only trouble with early bedtimes is that you get an early morning, too. Which I do not like. Not at all. I do not like it in a box, I do not like it with a fox, I do not like it Sam, I am. Little shout-out to Dr. Seuss there. You can never go wrong with Dr. Seuss. He's the guru.
It's getting ready to do something bad weathery here. Again. Bah. I just hope it doesn't really storm bad here. I do not like that, either. Not a big fan of storms.
Okay, that's it for today for me.

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